Tangled Wires and Tears: How a Heart Monitor Triggered an Autistic Meltdown

Cheryl Evans
4 min readSep 5, 2024
Article Title Image with photo of Cheryl Evans. Generated with the assistance of Canva exclusively for Cheryl.wTf, “Tangled Wires and Tears: How a Heart Monitor Triggered an Autistic Meltdown”
Article Title Image with photo of Cheryl Evans. Generated with the assistance of Canva exclusively for Cheryl.wTf, “Tangled Wires and Tears: How a Heart Monitor Triggered an Autistic Meltdown”

I’ve been awake since 4:30am.

Not by choice.

Sensory overwhelm and Autistic meltdown are not a fun way to start the day. To be honest, it’s embarrassing, even when I’m the only when to witness it. How weird is that? To be embarrassed by yourself? But it’s true.

I’m an intelligent, responsible, grown adult, generally quite capable at handling what life throws at me. And yet, I can be brought to my knees by the annoyance of having to wear a Holter heart monitor for 2 weeks. Icky sticky tabs on my skin 24/7. Ridiculously long wires that I get tangled in, disconnect from the monitor way too easily, and get caught on everything. The need to wear different clothing than I normally would to accommodate the device. It sounds a bit annoying, but doesn’t sound like much does it? I agree. Rational me, the me that is embarrassed by the Autistic me says, “Suck it up. It’s important. It’s not a big deal. Just deal with it.” I’m pretty sure most people would feel that way.

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But Autistic me is aware, every second of every day of every foreign feeling of this itchy, irritating device. I made it 3 days before the first…



Cheryl Evans
Cheryl Evans

Written by Cheryl Evans

From What the… to Wicked Tactics & Frameworks. I help business owners find their voice & manifest abundance through marketing & mindset training.

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